Maroochydore, otherwise known as ‘Murukutchi-dha’, is a vibrant changing place with a distinct sense of its own character and direction. Evans Street is a complex layering of urban development from the commercial areas to a surrounding network of residential streets and schools. It is pivotal to the change happening in the area, as a significant transit route and gateway to the new Maroochydore CBD and beyond.
For this project we needed to immerse ourselves in assessing the materials, construction language and landscaping treatment of the existing structures, spaces and wayfinding systems within Maroochydore, along Evans Street. Being of one of the new Maroochydore CBD’s main gateway points, the Evans Street Structures act as a lead-in artery to signal arrival, whilst highlighting the contemporary subtropical character of the new city centre’s look and feel. These structures aim to address issues pertinent to their function as gateway points and places for shade, whilst the trellises provide opportunity for shade and seating. These visual markers on Evans Street signify an entry and the regrowth of the new CBD.